Sending GATEWAY remote connection request. When I type in my system name ("Pentair: 08-21-xx") as listed on the side of the protocol adapter, and my chosen password, the Connecting to Remote System window opens up, and shows the following message after a few seconds: When I start the software, the Local System box does not automatically populate with my identified system it is a blank white window with no text. However, the ScreenLogic Connect software doesn't recognize the wireless system. The wireless link interface has a steady PWR green light and TX blinks yellow when it's receiving data. My router works fine, I reset the protocol adapter, re-booted everything. I upgraded my computer system to Windows 10 and now I can't seem to get the Screenlogic Connect to recognize my system. 27k views 2 years ago pentair intellicenter in this video, we walk you through how to connect the pentairpool intellicenter to a wireless network.

This is probably a simple fix, but I haven't figured it out yet.